Sunday, September 27, 2009

ePocrates Android phone

Here's an update.

"Epocrates is currently working on a native mobile application for the Android platform. In the meantime, Epocrates Online drug and formulary reference is optimized for mobile web browsing and can be accessed on the Android platform."


Unknown said...

I have been user of epocrates for 4 years and will wait another couple of weeks and move to Davis's Drug Guide Mobile. which is Android ready... Too bad epocrates doesn't come up with lunch date.

Anonymous said...

Accessing ePocrates on the web on the droid will take 5 times longer. With droid being lauched, the large number of people will want to run epocrates on it. I am surprised that ePocrates has not come up with an android version as yet.

Parlophone said...

ePocrates is going to start losing market share if they don't begin adapting their platform faster. it's not like "new phones" are a "new thing"

Michael said...

i wonder if epocrates spends too much time marketing to med students like me to get them hooked and not enough time on product development. it's a common tac seen throughout anything marketed to med students/doctors: devices, drugs, equipment, etc.